I was talking this morning to my good friend j (hello my love!) about how different I have become since august and trying to put it all into words.
so here I am trying to articulate my feelings about myself here for the world to read.
I feel I have become a strong warrior woman, I find I no longer have tolerance for mis-deeds, for the unjust of our world, for the norm and how we are expected to look and behave.
its not that I have become a total anarchist, far from it-I have just seen my reality and how I want that reality to be.
I was talking about some new tattoos I will hopefully be getting from my old friend D on Thursday.
last may in Glastonbury I took the step of having four moon symbols tattooed on my hands-a waxing and waning crescent, a dark moon and full moon. all quite abstract. just outlines put in my skin.
of no meaning to people who see them, but full of meaning for me and my path I am following through life.
I had never intended on having my hands tattooed because they are impossible to hide if needed. but I suddenly developed the attitude that it doesn't matter in the whole scheme of things. it doesn't matter a jot, because it does not change my personality by having arcane symbols on my hands.
I have found more symbols that I hope D will ink into my fingers this week. a combination of elder furthark runes symbolising water and ancestry/ heritage. I chose runes because one of my great great grandfathers was a mariner with the Old Norse surname of Ormes. Then I chose the Celtic ogham symbol for the rowan which is my birth tree and a tree I feel links me to my Irish/Scottish ancestry.
so more, highly visible arcane hand tattoos
I read somewhere about women 'drawing their symbols of their power on their skin' and this is how I feel about me.
my tattoos are a symbol of my power, my freedom, my power of choice and to have these new ones placed on each hand with only make me feel stronger, more powerful.
Can't wait to see them! So happy that you are stepping into your power xx
thank you Robyn xx
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