rise and root



The Flame Haired Solstice Dreamer

Cold winter brings the Everfrost and jewels every tree
In a forest new as birth and old as old can be
A flame~haired dreamer wanders there and shelters from the wind
And spins her dreams around the trees to break the ties that bind
She takes her thread and spins anew and how the Greenwood smiles
As she spins a spell for freedom and for her spirit Wylde

The dreamer finds an ancient oak and shelters in his lee
In a forest new as birth and old as old can be
Tis summer now and birdsong weaves its magick through her spells
And humming bees drum drowsily in the foxglove's bells
The dreamer sits beneath the oak with yarn upon her knee
And spins and knits and weaves her dreams and sets her spirit free

"When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people...shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. they will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow"

Hopi Prophecy

~turning wheel~

there has been such a distinct change in the weather here.

i first noticed it a couple of weeks after Litha, just a small change, a chill in the early morning air, a cooler night air flowing through my bedroom window.

when the sun is out during the day it is a hot sun and today, even clouded over, the air is hot.

our forest is over run with tourists and so i try to avoid going into the village as so many people makes my head spin.

things here have been a bit stressful as our beautiful Flynt became poorly. he was sick one day and brought up a pine cone...a large pine cone but he continued being sick, and an examination on our third trip to the vets confirmed there was a foreign object in him and he was operated on the same day. 
the result?
a piece of some other dogs tennis ball he must have swallowed while at his favourite spot in the forest.
so for the last ten days he has been at home slowly recovering, taking antibiotics and swampy and i living in terror for this was how we lost our beautiful Cody and we have been living in fear that flynt would also contract peritonitis 
We have been lucky and he has recovered well with no infection and all being well his 13 stitches are being removed tomorrow.

my swampy is not good~as i type he is in hospital.
 he had an appointment at our surgery today to discuss some chest pains, so the doctor called an ambulance to take him direct to the big general hospital in southampton where he is having assorted tests....


Rowan said...

I hope that all will be well with Swampy, it must be very stressful for both of you waiting for the results of all the tests. I'm glad that Flynn is doing well army rate. Bright blessings to all of you.

ambermog said...

Thinking of you both, sending strength and healing xx

Jopanofmanypets said...

Oh no. I hope Swampy is going to be OK!
I'm glad Flynt is Ok. I know how hard it is to stop them from eating what they shouldn't.

~Willow~ said...

big hugs to you and Swampy.... and for Flynt too of course xXx

Laura said...

Oh my. I'm glad that Flynt is better and I hope everything is well with Swampy! I'll keep you all in my thoughts and send healing energies.

All things share the same breath~the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports.

Chief Seattle

Johney Gaul~1915

Johney Gaul~1915
1890-17 september 1918~France